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Should I Share My Medical Records With the Insurance Company?


Making ends meet is tough enough when you have a full-time job, but when you are hurt in a vehicle collision and are unable to work the financial blow can leave you behind on your rent or mortgage, not to mention the rest of your bills.

When you are out of work, the financial strain may be all you can think about, and that is typically when the insurance company will come knocking with a bad offer to settle your injury claim.  Some insurance companies will try to offer you money the day of the crash without knowing the extent of your injuries.

Even though this is a stressful time, it’s important to be composed and careful when communicating with the at fault insurance company.  They will ask you for a recorded statement over the phone. You do not have to agree to one. If you do provide a statement, they will use it against you in your claim.  If possible, try to speak with an attorney before the insurance company.

Next, the insurance company will ask for a medical authorization for your medical records.  Do not sign anything the insurance company sends you without speaking with a lawyer first. The insurance company’s paperwork is going to be very broad and allow them to access any medical record you have.  Nevada law does not require you to share all your medical information, only medical information related to your injury. If you give them a blanket authorization they will find something in your medical history and use it against you in your claim.

What Can I Do to Help My Personal Injury Case?

The first thing to do if you are injured is to seek medical treatment.  Once you are able to gather your thoughts and you are stable, you should contact an attorney to understand your rights.

It is very important that you:

  • Do not miss any doctor appointments
  • Follow all of your doctors’ orders for treatment
  • Talk to your employer about how long you expect to be out of work, and provide any doctor’s notes to support your absence
  • Work with your attorney to seek partial or full disability for your short or long-term injury needs

At Bertoldo Carter Smith & Cullen, our Las VegasNevada collision attorneys have recovered millions of dollars in settlements and jury verdicts for injury victims. When you are too hurt to work, you shouldn’t be further injured by medical costs, household expenses, and unpaid bills. The person responsible for your injuries should be footing the bill, and we can pursue that negligent person for your complete financial recovery. 

Contact us today at (702) 505-8115 to schedule a free case evaluation.

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